Updated: Coronavirus update

As a responsible venue we are committed to playing our part in helping stop the spread of Coronavirus and in minimising its impact on GHT staff, visitors, artists and performers.

GHT will therefore be closed for the foreseeable future. All events scheduled to take place in the coming months are postponed but keep an eye on our homepage and socials for updates about virtual tours, talks and events.

We will continue to monitor PHE, UK government and Arts Council England guidance and will be updating our website with further updates over rate coming weeks.


Website: www.godshousetower.org.uk
Twitter: ght_soton
Instagram: ght_soton
Facebook: God’s House Tower

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Stories Behind the Stones

Visit Stories Behind the Stones where each floor of the Tower takes you on a journey through time. Discover centuries of history retold with immersive installations, fascinating displays and stunning rooftop views across Southampton Water.