Coordinates of Infinity – Winchester School of Art Fine Art MA & Practice-based PhD Interim Show

  • God's House Tower Town Quay Road SO14 2NY
  • 2024-05-10 10:00 to 2024-05-19 16:00

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Coordinates of Infinity – Winchester School of Art Fine Art MA & Practice-based PhD Interim Show

2024-05-10 10:00 to 2024-05-19 16:00
10th May 2024


Coordinates of Infinity – Winchester School of Art Fine Art MA & Practice-based PhD Interim Show

2024-05-10 10:00 to 2024-05-19 16:00
10th May 2024


Friday 10th May – Sunday 19th May 

An exhibition of new works by MA Fine Art and practice-based PhD students from Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. 

We think we know where we stand, but the wider we cast the frame, the less certainty we have. We can triangulate our terrestrial position with incredible accuracy, but in spite of the predictability afforded by mapping technologies, do we really grasp our position? A strong thread in this exhibition includes artists grappling with the legacy of their personal and collective histories in their adult lives. In a world where our lives, opinions, and tastes are pervasively broadcast and forecast, how do we come to know our selves?

The artists in this exhibition have grown up in multiple global cultures, yet they share more than that which separates them. Here, despite their native language barriers, the common visual languagetheir shared exploration of the evocative potential of ubiquitous materials—brings them together. At a time when human cultures claim to know so much, to have answered so many questions; the work in this exhibition asks what other possibilities for grasping the unknown and grappling with the unknowable remain?

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