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Exhibition: The Homeless Period
2025-03-07 10:00 to 2025-03-09 16:00
7th March 2025
Friday 7th – Sunday 9th March
The Homeless Period aims to amplify the voices of marginalised groups by utilising creative methods such as photovoice and in-depth interviews with participants experiencing homelessness, to listen to and understand their perspectives and barriers to accessing basic menstrual care. The participants’ words and images are paired for a powerful display, demonstrating an urgent need for change around menstruation stigma and policy.
About the team:
The research team consists of a team of researchers, counseling and assistant psychologists: Dr Stephanie Barker, Gabriella Orsini, Frances Greenway, and Jennifer Tarabay, all from the Centre for Homelessness Research and Practice (CHRP) based in the School of Psychology at the University of Southampton.
A bit more about CHRP:
The Centre’s mission is to integrate research, training and practice to better serve people experiencing homelessness. CHRP carries out real-world research exploring a psychological approach to homelessness. The aim is to be collaborative, partnering with practitioners and policy makers to ensure research informs practice and practice, in turn, informs research. A range of evidence-based methods are employed, both quantitative and qualitative, including evaluation, co-production, and literature reviews.
This research is funded by the British Academy’s BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants Programme.