Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came to enjoy GHT Calling over the weekend! We had an incredible 678 visitors over the weekend, all taking part in film week screenings, performances, sing-a-longs, music, dance and live art.

GHT is now officially open and you can come and enjoy all four exhibitions, as well as a programme of events in the performance space.

Coming up…

On Tuesday November 19th we have our first school visit. The cafe will be open as usual from 8am but the galleries will be a lot busier!

Now it’s your chance to get involved, with a whole set of workshops and events designed to bring GHT alive. Come and be inspired by this incredible building. This week you can get your poetry chops up with the first of a series of workshops with ArtfulScribe.

Book here. 

Then on Saturday we have Kimvi Nguyen’s art workshops in the Crawford Room. The sessions are free but places are limited so please book.

Book here. 

The star of BBC Radio 4’s Stand Up For The Classics Natalie Haynes brings her show to GHT on Saturday 23rd.

Book here.

And we are now gearing up for Christmas with the first of our seasonal events.You can be part of a brilliant Sarah Siddons Fan Club show, inspired by real events at GHT – when the gaoler’s wife Mrs Truss held nights of drunkenness and debauchery in the God’s House jail.

Book here. 

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Stories Behind the Stones

Visit Stories Behind the Stones where each floor of the Tower takes you on a journey through time. Discover centuries of history retold with immersive installations, fascinating displays and stunning rooftop views across Southampton Water.