Welcome Valentine Primary!

The staff team at God’s House Tower were thrilled to welcome 100 year five pupils to Southampton’s newest arts and heritage venue. The youngsters from Valentine Primary School were the first group to visit GHT after the building’s £3.1million refurbishment, and spent the morning learning all about the 700 year old ancient monument.

The pupils journeyed in time through the Tower exhibition, learning about why GHT was built in the middle ages, with Stories Behind the Stones.


They saw how Southampton’s iconic coastline has changed and made their own drawings inspired by The Moonlight Pethers, on show now in the Collections Gallery.


They studied the contemporary exhibition, Bloom, by Keith Harrison, and learnt about container ships, foghorns and how sound can make objects move.

Children also took part in a creative writing workshop inspired by I Am The Walls, the ‘voice of GHT’ – part of the GHT Tower exhibition. 

And they took part in performance workshops inspired by Transition, an exhibition about the £3.1million restoration of GHT on show now in the Crawford Room. 

They learnt about Southampton’s Mayflower history with a map of Southampton in 1620 on the roof.


And as an extra treat the children got fabulous views of the flagship Cunard luxury liner from the GHT roof, just before the QM2 set sail on her anniversary transatlantic voyage. 

Community engagement officer Vivian Ezugha said: “It was wonderful to hear the sound of children’s voices filling this historic building. Valentine Primary School have really brought GHT back to life!”


If you would like to bring your class, year group or school to GHT please contact hannah@aspacearts.org.uk 

See you soon!

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Stories Behind the Stones

Visit Stories Behind the Stones where each floor of the Tower takes you on a journey through time. Discover centuries of history retold with immersive installations, fascinating displays and stunning rooftop views across Southampton Water.